However, I suggest that nothing is left to coincidence or chance with God. His involvement is in and through "everything and in every detail."
Numbers and timing is His autograph to HIStory and have critical and supernatural significance.
Consider "July 4,1776." Break the numbers down like this and God's hand writing can be seen again with just a few insightful observation.
On this day and year of our historic beginning as new Nation, God's hand can be seen in the significance of the numbers.."America was to be the absolute single nation, from all four corners of the earth to come and take refuge from tyranny in a perfectly completed land. A land that would withstand the diabolical devices of the usurper, provided her people keep the faith and honor the object of our worship...the Lord Jesus Christ (2 chron7:14)!
Awesome, isn't it? Happy Independence Day!
NUMBER One: is the number of unity or absolute singleness. Deut 6:4: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." God is one God in Three Person,but still "One" God.
NUMBER Four: is the number in the Bible there said to be four corners of the earth (Isaiah 11:2), there were four dominant kingdoms mentioned in Daniel’s prophecy (Daniel 7:3), there are four seasons on the earth, there are four major directions on the earth (north, south, east, and west), and there were even four types of soil in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13). There were also four pillars in the Temple.
NUMBER Six: is the number seen as representative of mankind since humans were created on the sixth day
(Genesis 1:31). Mankind was commanded to work for six days that were
given in the Fourth Commandment. The number six is also seen as a number
of imperfection since man was created on it, six days is an imperfect week, and
the perfect evil can be seen in the number of man, 666 (Revelation 13:18), a sort
of unholy trinity. There were six cities of refuge given to the Levites
for those who killed or caused great harm accidentally to others; these were
places for them to take refuge (Numbers 35:6). God established these cities so
that family members would not retaliate against them for the harm they
inflicted upon them by accident or not intentionally.
NUMBER Seven: is the number of perfection since the earth was created in seven days, regardless of the fact
that God rested on the seventh day. Rest is still doing something and the
seventh day is a day of rest and we are told to work six days and rest on a
seventh day. Seven is symbolic of a totality of perfection or
completeness like the seven-day week. This pictures God’s complete and totally
perfect judgment of the inhabitants of the earth, in particular those who are
not under the atoning sacrifice of Jesus and have not had the wrath of God removed
from them because of their rejecting Him as Savior. Even the Tribulation
is said to last seven years.